Monday, February 13, 2017

How I lost weight by closing the window

I recently lost a bunch of weight by doing something called intermittent fasting. It's not a diet. You don't restrict your calories, but you do restrict the amount of time you will eat. But by doing intermittent fasting I have lost an average of 4 pounds per month pretty consistently.

8 Hour Window

There are many ways to do intermittent fasting. But probably the easiest way to begin is by only eating within an 8-hour window. Here is an example of what I mean:

• No eating or drinking anything (except water) until 12 o'clock noon. 
• Eat whatever you like. And eat as often as you like. 
• But once it's 8 o'clock p.m. you will stop eating for the rest of the day.

What this eating schedule does is create a 16-hour fasting period (from 8 p.m. to Noon the next day). During this fasting period your body will use up much of the glycogen in your muscles and liver. Once the glycogen stores are used up, your body will start mobilizing stored fat to use as energy. The longer your fasting period lasts the more fat will be burned.

4 Hour Window

If your push your breakfast to 2 p.m. and eat whatever you like up until 6 p.m. you will be creating a 20 hour fast. Remember that the goal here is not to cut calories, only to restrict the time that you eat. So, in this case, you will have four hours to eat the same amount of calories that you normally would.

1 Hour Window

I personally started doing intermittent fasting using the one-hour window method. Many times I would go to the buffet at 12 noon and eat all I wanted for an hour. Or I would make a huge breakfast of bacon and eggs pancakes and anything else I wanted, as long as I ate it all within an hour or so. This eating schedule works great for me up until about 9 p.m. when I would get really hungry. I would solve this by going to bed earlier. You can try eating an apple (since it's only about 70 calories, and it will help you get through the fast).

Mix it up as you need to

Realize that the start time and the end time for the above eating schedules are arbitrary. You can start and end at whatever time you'd like. But in general, you want to take advantage of the time that you are sleeping and make sure the majority of your fast is happening at that time. Just make it fit your schedule.

Also, I would use a combination of one 4 and 8 hour windows depending on the day of the week. I would mix it up depending on what was going on that day (so if I was going out to dinner with friends that evening, I would eat with them). I would just expand to an 8-hour window for that day or shift my eating window time so that it fell in line with the dinner.

So this is just an overall view on intermittent fasting that I have done for the past few months. I will add some tips and tricks and other fasting methods in future articles.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Can you make money through Bitcoin Currency trading?

If you have ever tried day-trading and charting stock prices to determine when to buy and sell, then trading Bitcoin will be easy. Using technical analysis such as trendlines, triangles, and trading volume, you have insight as to when the price is ready to change upward or reverse. Just like all investment trading, you buy low and sell high.

Bitcoin can be used to help diversify your portfolio. Plus, it is easy to sell and use Bitcoin for purchasing items online. Many companies offer a discounted price for buying with Bitcoin. Bitcoins are expected to continue to go up in value for many years. In fact, it has been calculated that the last Bitcoin will be mined 123 years from now.

Use my link to get started today:

Monday, January 9, 2017

Can you lower your cholesterol with red yeast rice?

What does it do?

There are hundreds of studies that show proof that red yeast rice lowers overall cholesterol.₁ Red yeast rice helps to increase good cholesterol while lowering bad cholesterol. Red yeast rice works in your body the same way statin drugs do. Except since red yeast rice is coming from a natural source there tend to be fewer side effects.

How safe is it?

Red yeast rice has been used in Asia for over two thousand years. It is used in coloring for many food dishes such as Peking Duck. There doesn't seem to be any side effects when using red yeast rice when preparing traditional foods.

However, once you start using red yeast rice in higher quantities that can lower cholesterol you beware of a very dangerous side effect. Red yeast rice will block an enzyme that your body uses to create cholesterol and CoQ10. Without adequate amounts of CoQ-10, you will develop congestive heart failure, cause high blood pressure, and have muscle loss and weakness.

What can be done to mitigate the negative side effects?

If you supplement with CoQ-10 and ubiquinol at the same time as you take red yeast rice you will reduce the risk of CoQ-10 deficiency.

In the United States, red yeast rice being sold as supplements may have the active ingredient, Lovastatin, removed. Since 2007 the FDA has been asking supplement companies who withdraw their red yeast rice products that have been found to contain Lovastatin. Without this ingredient, red yeast rice does not lower cholesterol effectively.

Other notes:

In addition to taking CoQ-10, it has been suggested that taking Omega-3 pills at the same time as Red Yeast Rice will increase absorption (so you may be twice as effective in lowering your cholesterol).

Other things that can help you lower cholesterol include:

Olive oil
Brussel sprouts
Omega 3
Nuts and seeds
