Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Blood flow restriction training

Ever since I started weight training again, I have been watching lots of Youtube videos about weight training (such as Arnold Schwarzenegger's blueprint training or the Hodge twins). Mostly to keep focused and maybe learn something new. Eventually, I came across the term: Blood flow restriction training.

Blood flow restriction training or BFR or Occlusion training or KAATSU Training is working out and using an elastic band to restrict blood flow. So if you are doing curls, you would tie the band above the biceps. It was originally used for physical therapy because it allows you to have muscle gains by using light weight.

30 rep set
15 rep set (2x's or 4x's)
with 30 seconds to a minute rest between sets

What is your experience with Blood flow restriction training? 

Also, let us know what great websites or videos that you know of that has more information about Blood flow restriction training.

1 comment:

  1. I just tried Blood flow restriction training yesterday, and it gave my biceps a serious workout. Halfway through the last set, I had to continue without any weight at all (just to finish the 15 reps). Today, my arms feel like they went through war! This will definitely be added to my weight training once a week or so.
