Monday, September 26, 2016

Nutritional Ketosis vs Diabetic Ketoacidosis

There seems to still be confusion about Ketosis and I think the problem is the name. The automatic assumption, for some people, is that nutritional ketosis and ketoacidosis is the same thing. Where ketoacidosis can kill you, nutritional ketosis mobilizes fat cells so your liver can produce ketones. Your body then uses ketones as an energy source.

"Ketosis is a normal metabolic process, something your body does to keep working. When it doesn't have enough carbohydrates from food for your cells to burn for energy, it burns fat instead. As part of this process, it makes ketones." - WebMD 

"Ketoacidosis is what happens when ketosis goes too far. Ketones build up in your blood, and it becomes acidic. Ketoacidosis can cause a coma or death. People with diabetes can get ketoacidosis, or diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), when they don't take enough insulin. They can also get DKA when they're sick or injured, or they don't get enough fluids and become dehydrated." - WebMD 

"Some people without diabetes can get ketoacidosis, too. It's caused by alcoholism, starvation, or an overactive thyroid. A healthy low-carb diet shouldn't cause a problem."  - WebMD

So who should probably avoid Ketogenic diets?:
Pregnant Women
People with Kidney issues

What is your experience with ketogenic diets? 

Also, let us know what great websites or videos that you know of that has more information about ketosis and ketoacidosis.

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